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Streaming Un truand 1440p


Commentaire de Zallanon

I also posted this under Mrrgria:

Phase one starts with Toe Knee and his Ruffians, the tank should AoE and get aggro on all of them. The Ruffians teleport to a random player and stab them putting a poison debuff on that can be nasty if you are unlucky and get more than a single ruffian during a teleport. We could stun the adds, not sure about other cc. Toe Knee has 2 abilities, he will do an AoE stun (big orange circle) that the tank needs to get out of, and at times he will jump about dropping a firey whirlwind on every player, the effect is not big so you can stand next to one and not take damage just don't be in the middle.

DPS should focus on adds, mark one and single it down until they are all dead, this is a fight that you don't need to rush there is no enrage so take the time you need to make sure you aren't standing in puddles of ow, your healer will appreciate it. Once the adds are down burn Toe Knee to around 40% and he will take a break.

Phase 2 is his lovely murloc girlfriend Mrrgria (fugly) and her adds. We were range heavy so we didn't interrupt the adds as it kept them together, they cast a bubble of water at random players that slowly move across the room in a straight line from mob to target, so just move to avoid. The boss has 2 abilities, one calls a set of waves that originate from either wall that are staggered, so stand about 1/2 way between one of the walls and the middle of the stage, shoot the gap of the close wall then shift behind a passing wave to shoot the second gap. Her second ability puts n AoE circle around each player that explodes a few seconds after the effect appears, make sure the edge of your circle doesn't overlap another players model and life is good.

Same formula, mark individual adds to burn down until all are dead (can use a bit more AoE burn here if they stay together), burn boss to about 40% to start phase 3.

Phase 3 is just the 2 bosses and their abilities as described above, we found it easier to burn down the murloc first as she is easier to tank (no random mobility teleports or jumps) and when she dies no more waves. Then we burned down Toe Knee. We were running as a DH tank, Pally Heals, Ele Shaman, Boomkin, and Marks Hunter.

Hope this helps and good luck :D

Commentaire de Brophecy

Don't kill him too fast on Heroic or else you can bug the encounter so that he skips his phase

Tony Truand <Confrérie défias>

Ce PNJ se trouve dans Karazhan.

Tony Truand crie. Accordez-moi cette danse.

Tony Truand crie. Ah on peut dire que j’ai le feu sacré.

Tony Truand crie. Alors c’est la bagarre que vous voulez, hein.

Tony Truand crie. Ça vous dit de faire un tour.

Tony Truand crie. Il y a un coin pour nous… ailleurs…

Tony Truand crie. Je ne… cesserai jamais de dire… Mrrgria…

Tony Truand crie. Je vais juste… me détendre.

Tony Truand crie. Mon univers est là. vous et moi.

Tony Truand dit. C’est difficile à croire. Serait-ce un tour que vous me jouez.

Tony Truand dit. Je sentais que quelque chose allait se produire, mais ceci est tellement plus…

Tony Truand dit. Me prenez-vous pour un autre.

Tony Truand dit. On se connaît déjà.

Les bulles d'information et le journal des donjons montrent les valeurs des capacités pour une version de la rencontre. Veuillez voir la section "Effet" sur les pages des sorts pour voir les valeurs pour toutes les tailles de raids et leurs difficultés.

Overview – The Defias Brotherhood and The Fins attack separately, culminating in a finale with Toe Knee and Mrrgria.

Damage Dealers –
Defeat the Gang Ruffians and Shoreline Tidespeakers first to reduce the danger to your party.
Move away from other party members when [Thunder Ritual] is about to expire.

Healers –
Players struck by [Poisonous Shank] will require extra attention.
Move away from other party members when [Thunder Ritual] is about to expire.

Tanks –
Back up when Toe Knee casts [Burning Leg Sweep] to avoid being stunned.
Move away from other party members when [Thunder Ritual] is about to expire.

Tony Truand
Trombe de flamme audacieuse – Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 213750 to 236250 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.

Tempête de flammes – A blazing tornado forms, inflicting 375000 Fire damage to players inside it every 1.5 sec.

Coup de pied ardent – Sweeps out with a burning kick, knocking down players within 10 yds for 4 sec. This lights targets aflame, inflicting 470250 to 519750 Fire damage immediately with an additional 265000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.

Surin empoisonné – Step into the shadows and emerge behind a target, inflicting 238875 to 251125 Nature damage immediately with an additional 105000 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.


Rituel du tonnerre – Marks all players with a Thunder Ritual. Upon expiration, inflicts 512382 to 566318 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds.

Bulle explosive – Sends forth a watery bubble. Players coming into contact with the bubble cause it to explode, inflicting 617500 to 682500 Frost damage and knocking players back.

Tony Truand
Trombe de flamme audacieuse – Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 213750 to 236250 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.

Tempête de flammes – A blazing tornado forms, inflicting 375000 Fire damage to players inside it every 1.5 sec.

Coup de pied ardent – Sweeps out with a burning kick, knocking down players within 10 yds for 4 sec. This lights targets aflame, inflicting 470250 to 519750 Fire damage immediately with an additional 265000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.


Rituel du tonnerre – Marks all players with a Thunder Ritual. Upon expiration, inflicts 512382 to 566318 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds.


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